ValestoClient: VALESTO / Agency: Fedoriv / Production: Danylchenko Studio / Photographer: Yaroslav Danylchenko / Food Stylist: Natalia Bogun / Post Production: Pavlo Protsenko / Producer: Oleksandra Amosova / Photograper's assistant: Volodymyr Pankevych
Valesto rolliniClient: VALESTO / Agency: Fedoriv / Production: Danylchenko Studio / Photographer: Yaroslav Danylchenko / Food Stylist: Natalia Bogun / Post Production: Pavlo Protsenko / Producer: Oleksandra Amosova / Photograper's assistant: Volodymyr Pankevych
NovusClient: Novus / Agency: Underdog / Production: Danylchenko studio / Photographer: Yaroslav Danylchenko / Food style: Natalia Bogun / Retouch: Pavlo Protsenko
NovusClient: Novus / Agency: Underdog / Production: Danylchenko studio / Photographer: Yaroslav Danylchenko / Food style: Natalia Bogun / Retouch: Pavlo Protsenko
NovusClient: Novus / Agency: Underdog / Production: Danylchenko studio / Photographer: Yaroslav Danylchenko / Food style: Natalia Bogun / Retouch: Pavlo Protsenko
Space bites
Big mac for McDonald'sClient - McDonald's / Agency - TBWA Ukraine / Food style - Natalia Bogun / Photographer - Yaroslav Danylchenko / Assistant of photographer - Volodymyr Pankevych / Retouch - Pavlo Protsenko / Producer - Oleksandra Amosova
Space bites packages
Space iceMochi Space ice
Novus Easter
Spell chocolateProduction: Danylchenko studioPhotographer: Yaroslav DanylchenkoFood stylist: Anna BugeraProducer: Olaksandra AmosovaAssistant of photographer:Volodymyr PankevychPost production: Pavlo ProtsenkoMore images and case here
Bites from Space iceBites from Space ice. Shooting for packages
BASCHINSKY Shooting for packages and OOHShooting for packages and OOHClient: BASCHINSKY / Agency: TBWA / Production, post-production: Positive pictures / Foodstyle: Alexandra Gordeeva
Ice cream and desserts Space ice Ice cream Space ice. Shooting for website and packaging
Doner marketDoner market. Shooting for outdoor and digital advertising. Food style Natalia Bogun / Photographer Yaroslav Danylchenko / assistant of photographer Volodymyr Pankevych / Retouch Maks Khmarsky
Lurpak Shooting of CHICKEN CURRY recipe for 2 more images were made on this shooting: FISH SAYADIEH and CHICKEN MAQLUBA (you can see them in blog).Food stylist Katie Giovanni (GB), production Omerta (Kyiv)
Globino Globino - shooting for social networks. Food style Natalia Bogun / Photographer Yaroslav Danylchenko / Assistant of photographer Volodymyr Pankevych / Retouch Maks Khmarsky
Client: McDonald’s / Agency: TBWA / Production, post-production: Vision production / Foodstyle: Alexandra Gordeeva / Photographer: Yaroslav Danylchenko
Chumak OutdoorClient: Chumak / Agency: Banda / Creative director: Taras Dzendrovskyy / Production: Danylchenko studio / Foodstyle: Natalia Zubenko / Photographer: Yaroslav Danylchenko / Post-production: BigfishMore on Behance
McDonald’sClient: McDonald’s / Agency: TBWA / Production, post-production: Vision production / Foodstyle: Alexandra Gordeeva / Photographer: Yaroslav Danylchenko
Aptetitna packagesClient: Apetitna (MHP)/ Agency: Rockets / Production: Danylchenko studio / Foodstyle: Natalia Zubenko / Photographer: Yaroslav Danylchenko / Post-production: Pavel Protsenko
Client: Chumak / Agency: DJMELI / Creative director: Taras Dzendrovskyy / Production: Gvardiya films and Danylchenko studio / Foodstyle: Natalia Zubenko / Photographer: Yaroslav Danylchenko / Post-production: Dmitriy ShyshkinMore images, tasty crops and backstage on Behance
Shooting and post for packages Production: Danylchenko studioFood style: Alexandra GordeevaPhotographer: Volodymyr Pankevich, Yaroslav DanylchenkoPost production: Oleg PalchykArt direction and supervison: Yaroslav Danylchenko
Komo cheeseClient: Komo / Agency: Grape / Production: Family production and Danylchenko studio / Foodstyle: Natalia Zubenko / Photographer: Yaroslav Danylchenko / Post-production: Pavel Protsenko
ChernigivskeClient: Chernigivske / Agency: MullenLowe / Production, post-production: Vision production / Beer stylist: Evhen Botov / Photographer: Yaroslav DanylchenkoProject on Behance:
Client: McDonald’s / Agency: TBWA / Production, post-production: Vision production / Foodstyle: Alexandra Gordeeva / Photographer: Yaroslav Danylchenko
Shooting for packages Client: Roshen / Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi / Production, post-production: Danylchenko studio / Foodstyle: Alexandra Gordeeva / Photographer: Yaroslav Danylchenko
Client: McDonald’s / Agency: TBWA / Production, post-production: Vision production / Foodstyle: Alexandra Gordeeva / Photographer: Yaroslav Danylchenko
McDonald’sClient: McDonald’s / Agency: TBWA / Production, post-production: Vision production / Foodstyle: Alexandra Gordeeva / Photographer: Yaroslav Danylchenko
Shooting for packagesClient: Snack Production (Chipsters) / Agency: Banda / Production: Danylchenko studio / Foodstyle: Nataliya Zubenko / Photographer: Yaroslav DanylchenkoMore information:
Client: Chernigivske / Agency: MullenLowe / Production, post-production: Vision production / Beer stylist: Evhen Botov / Photographer: Yaroslav DanylchenkoProject on Behance:
McDonald’sClient: McDonald’s / Agency: TBWA / Production, post-production: Vision production / Foodstyle: Alexandra Gordeeva / Photographer: Yaroslav Danylchenko
MolokiaClient: Molokia / Agency: Molto bureau / Production, post-production: Danylchenko studio / Foodstyle: Anna Bugera / Photographer: Yaroslav Danylchenko
McDonald’sClient: McDonald’s / Agency: TBWA / Production, post-production: Vision production / Foodstyle: Alexandra Gordeeva / Photographer: Yaroslav Danylchenko
BashinskiyClient: Bashinskiy / Agency: Skykillers / Production, post-production: Danylchenko studio / Foodstyle: Natalia Zubenko / Photographer: Yaroslav Danylchenko
McCafeClient: McDonald’s / Agency: TBWA / Production, post-production: Vision production / Foodstyle: Alexandra Gordeeva / Photographer: Yaroslav Danylchenko
McDonald’sClient: McDonald’s / Agency: TBWA / Production, post-production: Vision production / Foodstyle: Alexandra Gordeeva / Photographer: Yaroslav Danylchenko
Chocolate splashClient: Svitoch (Nestlé) / Agency: McCann Kyiv / Production: Lime LIte / Post-production: Petrenko Oleksiy / Sfx: Anatoliy Poznyansky / Photographer: Yaroslav Danylchenko
Chocolate packagesClient: Gustoria Svitoch (Nestlé) / Agency: Publicis / Production: Belka strelka / Post-production: Bigfish / Foodstyle: Sasha Bryl / Photographer: Yaroslav Danylchenko
Client: McDonald’s / Agency: TBWA / Production, post-production: Vision production / Foodstyle: Alexandra Gordeeva / Photographer: Yaroslav Danylchenko
Sadochok/SandoraClient: Sandora (PepsiCo Ukraine) / Agency: Belka Strelka / Production: Danylchenko studio / Post-production: Big Fish / Foodstyle: Anna Bugera / Sfx: Anatoliy Poznyansky / Photographer: Yaroslav Danylchenko
Client: McDonald’s / Agency: TBWA / Production, post-production: Vision production / Foodstyle: Alexandra Gordeeva
Client: McDonald’s / Agency: TBWA / Production, post-production: Vision production / Foodstyle: Alexandra Gordeeva
Cheese and honeyClient: Club of Cheese / Agency: THINK! McCann / Production: Belka strelka / Post-production: Bigfish/ Foodstyle: Alexandra Gordeeva / Style: Tanya KremenCheck out full project here:
Client: McDonald’s / Agency: TBWA / Production, post-production: Vision production / Foodstyle: Alexandra Gordeeva
Client: Holy burger restaurant (Kiev) /Production & post-production: Danylchenko studio / Foodstyle: Alexandra Gordeeva
McDonald’sClient: McDonald’s / Agency: TBWA / Production, post-production: Vision production / Foodstyle: Alexandra Gordeeva
McDonald’sClient: McDonald’s Belarus / Agency: Ambition DDB / Production, post-production: Positive pictures / Foodstyle: Alexandra Gordeeva
McDonald’sClient: McDonald’s / Agency: TBWA / Production: Belka Strelka / Post-production: Vision production / Foodstyle: Alexandra Gordeeva
BASCHINSKYShooting for packages and OOHClient: BASCHINSKY / Agency: TBWA / Production, post-production: Positive pictures / Foodstyle: Alexandra Gordeeva
BASCHINSKYShooting for packages and OOHClient: BASCHINSKY / Agency: TBWA / Production, post-production: Positive pictures / Foodstyle: Alexandra Gordeeva
Client: Holy burger restaurant (Kiev) / Production & post-production: Danylchenko studio / Foodstyle: Alexandra Gordeeva
shooting, production, postproduction of salami for packages.Client - Danet (Turkey) / Production & post-production: Danylchenko studio / Foodstyle: Alexandra Gordeeva
Client: Holy burger restaurant (Kiev) / Production & post-production: Danylchenko studio / Foodstyle: Alexandra Gordeeva
McDonald’s Client: McDonald’s / Agency: TBWA / Production, post-production: Positive pictures / Foodstyle: Alexandra Gordeeva
Client: O! low-calorie desserts / Agency: Belka strelka branding / Production: Belka strelka & Danylchenko / Post-production: Danylchenko studio / Foodstyle: Olga Drach
Client: O! low-calorie desserts / Agency: Belka strelka branding / Production: Belka strelka & Danylchenko / Post-production: Danylchenko studio
SilpoClient: Silpo / Production & post-production: Danylchenko studioCheck full project here:
MCDONALD'SClient: McDonald’s / Agency: TBWA / Production, post-production: Positive pictures / Foodstyle: Alexandra Gordeeva
Client: O! low-calorie desserts / Agency: Belka strelka branding / Production: Belka strelka & Danylchenko / Post-production: Danylchenko studio
caotinaClient: Caotina (Switzerland) / Production: Toypictures / Agency: Zeitsprung (Germany)
McCafeClient: McDonald’s / Agency: TBWA / Production, post-production: Positive pictures / Foodstyle: Alexandra Gordeeva
SilpoClient: Silpo / Production & post-production: Danylchenko studio / Foodstyle: Alexandra Gordeeva
Image for restaurant
SilpoHappy birthday, Silpo (grocery stores)/POS, OOH, WEB/Client: SIlpo / Production: Danylchenko studio / Agency & Postproduction: BBDO / Foodstyle: Alexandra Gordeeva
Danetshooting, production, postproduction of salami for packages.Client - Danet (Turkey) / Production & post-production: Danylchenko studio
McDonald's GeorgiaClient: McDonald’s Georgia / Agency: TBWA / Production, post-production: Positive pictures / Foodstyle: Alexandra Gordeeva
mcdonald'sClient: McDonald’s / Agency: TBWA / Production, post-production: Positive pictures / Foodstyle: Alexandra Gordeeva
Natural drinks made of peelPersonal project of our studio. Check out more images on Behance
WOGClient: WOG / Agency: BBDO / Production: Danylchenko / Post-production: BBDO
McDonald'sClient: McDonald’s / Agency: TBWA / Production, post-production: Positive pictures
vino e cucinareastaurant photography, production, postproduction, OOH and web
Chocolate bonbons Chocolate candies for local chocolaterie. Please visit my Behance and check out full big set
web bannerClient: Shostka bel / Agency: Aimbulance / Production & Post-production: Danylchenko studio
SilpoClient: Silpo / Production & post-production: Danylchenko studio
WOGClient: WOG / Agency: BBDO / Production: Danylchenko / Post-production: BBDO
Coffee bean macro photography, without 3d render
WOGClient: WOG / Agency: BBDO / Production: Danylchenko / Post-production: BBDO
Raw meat with spicesShooting for Ukrainian manufacturer
McDonald'sClient: McDonald’s / Agency: TBWA / Production, post-production: Positive pictures
mcdonald'sClient: McDonald’s / Agency: TBWA / Production, post-production: Positive pictures
Client: Babuska / Agency: Fedoriv / Production: Danylchenko studio/ Post-production: Bigfish
McCafeClient: McDonald’s / Production, postproduction: Positive pictures
McDonald'sClient: McDonald’s / Agency: TBWA / Production, post-production: Positive pictures
mcdonald'sClient: McDonald’s / Agency: TBWA / Production, post-production: Positive pictures
Client: McDonald’s / Agency: TBWA / Production, post-production: Positive pictures
McDonald'sClient: McDonald’s / Agency: TBWA / Production, post-production: Positive pictures
Chateau GaliciaMironivsky Hliboproduct
KFCClient: KFC / Production: & post-production: Danylchenko
CHATEAU GALICIAClient: Mironivsky Hliboproduct / Production, post-production: Positive pictures, shooting for website / Foodstyle: Alexandra Gordeeva
CHATEAU GALICIAClient: Mironivsky Hliboproduct / Production, post-production: Positive pictures, shooting for website / Foodstyle: Alexandra Gordeeva
McDonald'sClient: McDonald’s / Agency: TBWA / Production, post-production: Positive pictures / Foodstyle: Alexandra Gordeeva
Foie GrasClient: Mironivsky Hliboproduct / Production, post-production: Positive pictures, shooting for website / Foodstyle: Alexandra Gordeeva
ЛюксClient: Kraft foods / Agency: Tabasco / Production, post-production: Positive picturesCheck full project here:
Client: Kraft foods / Agency: Tabasco / Production, post-production: Positive picturesCheck full project here:
Client: Kraft foods / Agency: Tabasco / Production, post-production: Positive pictures
Client: Kraft foods / Agency: Tabasco / Production, post-production: Positive picturesCheck full project here:
social advertisingAgency: Tabasco / Production, post-production: Positive picturesCANNES ACT TRIBUTE 2013 bronze ( Подбробнее )